Is the Cold Press Juicer The Best Slow Juicer For 2015

Anyone who loves fresh juices can tell you that a cold pressed juicer offers more tasty and nutritious juice, and contains more yield than any conventional juice machines. Cold pressed juicer or also known as masticating or slow-press juicer, produces less heat than other available juicers and that is why it preserves more nutrients. In fact, this is the main reason why cold press juicer commercial sales rise more and more every day. The greatest thing about the cold press juicer is that it presses and squeezes veggies and fruits slowly, getting the most of it. Well, this is exactly what people want! A nice fresh juice full of nutrients and fresh pulp, and precisely this is what makes the cold press juicer commercial and domestic sales expand.

cold  press juicer Continue reading

All Juicers Aren’t Created Equal

“Those who have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later will have to find time for illness”, said once Edward Stanley, a statement that has encouraged many people to improve their lifestyle and to turn to more healthy foods and drinks.

Nowadays, many people have started drinking their fruits and vegetables hoping to lose weight, improve their overall health and for detox. So if you really want to buy a juicer but you have a tight budget, look at juicer sale websites and online retailers where you can get a high-quality product for a lower price.

If you find the many choices overwhelming and cannont decide which one to choose, we offer you a list of the different types of juicers available on the market.

juicers types

Centrifugal Juicers Continue reading

gas cooktops

Eco-Friendly Kitchen Appliances

Spend Money On Something More Rewarding Than Your Electrical Bill

As everyone knows, inefficient kitchen appliances are great only to waste energy and money. Fortunately, there is a wide range of energy-efficient kitchen appliances available on the market, designed to benefit everyone. So, if you are going to spend money, why not to spend on something more rewarding than your electrical bill? Follow our tips for choosing Eco-friendly kitchen appliances and using them in a more efficient way: Continue reading

Easy Guide To Gas Cooktop Sizes

If you are renovating your kitchen of simply fitting a new gas cooktop, it is important to pick the size right. Available in a wide range of sizes and styles, not all gas cooktop sizes and models will fit in the space allocated in your kitchen. Hence, confirming your measurements and installation requirements before your purchase will ensure an accurate fit of your new gas cook into your kitchen.

On the guide below you will find the most common gas cooktop sizes available on the market and what to expect from them. All measures indicate width.

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